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Newsgroups: comp.std.c
Path: phcoms4.seri.philips.nl!panther!baynes
From: baynes@ukpsshp1.serigate.philips.nl (Stephen Baynes)
Subject: Re: Undefined result vs. int's holding undefined values.
Sender: news@ukpsshp1.serigate.philips.nl (account for localnews)
Message-ID: <DKyIx1.1qr@ukpsshp1.serigate.philips.nl>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996 08:43:49 GMT
References: <4ck70b$rd7@news.informix.com> <4ckms5$rd7@news.informix.com> <4cmg0s$1mb@der.twinsun.com> <oZA8wQ9ytpjN084yn@csn.net> <4cs460$d6e@news.informix.com>
Organization: Philips Semiconductors, Southampton, UK
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Daniel Wood (dwood@informix.com) wrote:
: thads@csn.net (Thad Smith) wrote:
: >In article <4cmg0s$1mb@der.twinsun.com>,
: Do any machines exist which actually explode when you add two number together
: such that the result would exceed MAXINT? :-) Get pratical!
If you set the apropriate bit in the process status word then integer overflow
causes a trap. I think that by default this is not enabled, and it could be
difficult to use in practice (it traps on signed overflow, but how do you
distinguish this from valid unsigned arithmetic? The compiler would have
to generate instructions to switch this on and off. I can't recall if VAX
C compiler offers this option, however I recall it is the default for VAX
pascal to enable overflow checks.
It is true most compilers don't offer traping overflows and those that do
tend not to do it by default. I think that this is partly because there is so
much C code out there that erroneously overflows but manages to keep working
that most people don't bother with it. However not bothering with it means
that more accidental overflows are written into the code. Also it can add
alot of execution overhead, even when there is hardware support there may
be some.
The question started up over a bit of code that was written to check if
overflow would occur. It has always seemed a weekness of C that there is
no defined way to do this. As in the example interpretors are one case. However
there are may applications where it would be better to crash than produce
wrong answeres that will cause trouble latter. Even better would be a simple
way for applications to check if certain arithmetic operations have worked
safely. Can anyone make a recomendation for a good language extension to add
this? Because there is so much legacy code out there it must be selective and
must not add overhead to unchecked operations. It may be one needs three levels
of operation:
1: Expected to overflow during normal operation. Overflow is safe and
should not be reported. [This is the backwards compatible
case for unsigned and may need to be for signed.]
2: Overflow is an error, if practicable it should be caught and reported
by some implementation specified means. [This is the strict backwards
compatible case for signed. It probably should be the default for
most code.]
3: Overflow is possible. It _must_ be caught and handled by the application.
[For example it could set errno or raise a signal - but it must be
How do we handle these cases in standard C? What changes can we make to the
standard to make it possible?
Stephen Baynes baynes@mulsoc2.serigate.philips.nl
Philips Semiconductors Ltd
Southampton My views are my own.
United Kingdom